theCoRD Connection Live is a monthly, one day Linkedin Live event consisting of 3 live conversations with the brightest minds in the field of future of work and distributed teams.
Co-founder Ruxandra Cord is interviewing pioneers, leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, futurists on topics of high-performing, optimised and engaged teams. Each session will provide you with the latest ideas in distributed work, actionable insights, everything you need from enhancing team dynamics to leveraging AI in boosting productivity and engagement.
The first series happened yesterday, April 9 with guests from all over the world of distributed work.

theCoRD Connection Live #1 with Cristina Muntean, Founder & CEO VORNICA was centred around the theme of emotional intelligence for a better distributed future. We delved into the crucial role of leveraging strategic skills to bolster organisations in today's technology-driven environment. Cristina emphasized the increasing need for strategic human skills as we become more reliant on technology, highlighting that being attuned to our humanity is more crucial than ever. She challenged the common misconception that women possess greater emotional intelligence (EI) than men, as both genders have an equal capacity for EI, which is essential for effective leadership. Cristina pointed out the alarming statistic that 74-75% of managers lack the necessary training for their roles, underscoring the need for development in EI to navigate the complexities of modern leadership successfully. She advocated for a departure from outdated Industrial Revolution mindsets towards embracing AI and distributed workforces with EI at the forefront. By focusing on EI pillars like self-awareness, self-mastery, interpersonal intelligence, and empathy, Cristina believes we can live and work with greater ease and success in our increasingly distributed world.
Watch the conversation here.

theCoRD Connection Live #2 with Kasia Triantafelo, Head of Community @Running Remote, was centred around the theme of crafting connected online communities in the age of distributed work.
Kasia emphasized that time is our most valuable asset, underscoring the importance of patience and an experimental mindset in fostering a community grounded in trust. She shared insights on the challenges and joys of community building, highlighting the need for authenticity, transparency, and story sharing to create meaningful connections. She also touched on the transformative power of communities in reshaping education through peer learning and support, as well as the emergence of niche communities tailored to specific interests and demographics. She explored the evolving landscape of communities in the age of AI and shared the unique experience of Running Remote 2024, which combines work and vacation, reinforcing the sense of belonging among community members. Her philosophy? Building a community takes patience, attentive listening, and a deep understanding of members' needs, proving that it truly takes a village to raise a company - or a community.
Watch the conversation here.

theCoRD Connection Live #3 with Maaria Tiensivu, founder KNOW-ME was centred around the theme of the relationship between insights and taking action. Why both are vital for growth and how to create a full human life with the help of tech.
Maaria Tiensivu, the visionary behind KNOW-ME, delved into personalized growth within multidisciplinary environments and advocated for a culture of experimentation over mere planning and learning. Maaria emphasized the importance of ceasing investment in ineffective strategies, instead proposing tailored experiments that foster individual and team growth. A standout experiment she shared involves starting meetings with five minutes of dedicated listening, breaking down the barriers of separation and compartmentalization. She highlighted the challenges of ambiguity in relationships within distributed teams and the tendency of smart individuals to get stuck in rationalization, hindering experimentation. Maaria's insights underscored the synergy between insights and action as pivotal for continuous personal and professional development, illustrating how learnings from all life spheres can enhance work and growth.
Watch the conversation here.
The April 9th theCoRD Connection Live series is supported by EEA and Norway Grants by Innovation Norway in Romania.